Monday, March 03, 2008

Why Does Texas Vote Republican ?

Conventional wisdom says that in an election, "it's the economy, stupid!". In other words, people vote their pocketbooks. That may be true in other states, but it sure isn't true in Texas. Texans traditionally vote against their own economic interests.

Texas is a state with a few rich people and a whole lot of poor, working-class and lower middle-class folks. The fact is that 71% of Texas families earn less than $50,000 a year. Texas also had fewer families earning over $200,000 when compared to the rest of the country. Those statistics would make any other place vote solidly Democratic, but Texas is different.

Texans generally supported Bush's tax cuts, even though those cuts gave the richest 1% about $79,713 while the huge majority of Texans got only a few hundred. Texas continued to vote Republican, as Republican economic policies caused the lowest population quintile to lose $300 in yearly income between 2001 and 2005. The middle quintile had an income rise of only 2.7% in the same period. However, income for the richest 1% rose 38% during that period.

It is obvious to anyone with eyes, that the Republicans have helped only the richest Americans, while hurting people in all other income catagories. But Texans have continued to vote Republican anyway.

That is because the Republicans have been very successful in using the prejudices and fears of many Texans. They have locked up the racist and homophobe vote (which is fairly large in Texas). Then they convinced others that Democrats would take their guns, burn their flags and outlaw their religion -- it isn't true, but many people are gullible. The result was a Republican majority.

But the Republicans may have overplayed their economic plan to help the rich. Now the prices on nearly everything is rising, hordes of people are losing their homes, wages are stagnant, jobs are being shipped out of the country and we are facing an extended recession (if not a depression).

Now that the Republicans have made a shambles of the economy, maybe even the gullible will be able to see the truth. Hopefully, the long dark reign of Republicanism is finally going to end here in Texas.


  1. My bet is that texans will remain stupid.

    Many like to be beaten upon. They enjoy the misery. They have the battered spouse syndrome.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Provided your not a communist or socialist I agree with you. The only thing you left out is the greedy politicians on both sides of the fence that let it all happen.

  4. Man's greed IS the only thing that keeps the species going. Some are just better at the game than the rest of us. Doesn't excuse what's happening to our society, but I have to play devil's advocate to "Mr. End-Of-Days" up there. I mean seriously man if you need a better example of what happens to a country when you "distribute" its wealth (which one could infer is your answer to all the world's problems), maybe you should look at the SOVIET UNION!! This is bigger than rock stars and movie gods out in Hollywood. This is a total philosophical difference in mindset given people's backgrounds and upbringing that cannot be explained away as easily as rich man vs poor man. in the human race...will tear ourselves apart by this burgeoning difference of opinions long before the earth sun and stars gives way. But there I go being all "end-of-days" and s#$% ;-) Weren't we talking about republicans in Texas?

  5. I am a Texan and also a strong democrat. I have supported Barack Obama since the beginning and I will vote for him in November. The fact that Texas votes republican is very frustrating because the electoral votes go for the republican, and I strongly oppose John Mccain as our president. The issue about people believing they will take away our guns, religion, and burn flags is completely correct. I am a gun owner, but I have educated myself enough to know that no one can override the 2nd amendment, and Obama wouldn't do such a thing even if it was possible. The only thing he want to do is keep guns out of the hands of CRIMINALS and everyone knows if you have a licence for a handgun then you are not a criminal. I hope this election turns out different and I just hope people would educate themselves more on the issues of this election instead of listening to ignorant propaganda.

  6. I live in Austin where I think the majority of Texas democrats live. The rest of this state seems to be filled with ignorant hillbillies who would rather die than vote for a black president. I sometimes can't believe I live in a state that voted for Bush Sr, Dole, Bush Jr. and now McCain. It's pretty embarassing.

  7. It's so very unfortunate seeing just how much truth lies within that wall-of-text anonymously posted. But aside from that, it hurts to know that a state as populous and American as Texas can be so brainwashed. What it ultimately comes down to is an underlying, unsubstantiated fear keeping Texas in such a socially regressive condition, and the wealthy simply revel in it. The way corporate propaganda so deceitfully agitates our emotions, it's so primitive, so animalistic, it disgusts and disturbs me. Conjoin fear, social desperation, uncertainty of the future, and poor education together and you've produced the perfect America: pliable, impressionable. I don't know if conservative Americans feel so confused that they feel the need to cling to religion to seek understanding, or if religious conviction itself cements they're apparent certitude with Republicanism, but it only shows you just how dangerous the human mind can be. And I'm not talking about the average Joe here, I'm talking about the bastards that convinced these broken people that they're suffering is justifiable and worthwhile to the nation when we, the lower and middle class are the ones who deserve just as much and have the least. Clinton did say "There is nothing wrong with America that cannot be fixed by what is right with America." I'd love to agree but I can only beg to differ when everything and everyone that is right with America is all but voiceless. Still, I have great hope for the future of the United States and our youth, for in the words of Sam Cooke, "it's been a long, a long time coming but I know a change gonna come, oh yes it will."

  8. Austin is not the only blue county in Texas. El Paso is always blue. Always. Don't forget about that. Austin isn't the center of the blue universe. Promise.

  9. i live in west texas, have been here 30 years and texans eat sleep and defecate according to the bible, read by the abundantly lazy pastors all phd in divinity, and cillecting millions from ignorant fools.I married a very talented nurse practitioner an RN, practical? no way she believes everything Glenn Beck and Rush says every word. It is incredibly amazing .I am democrat and hate conservatives republicans and the church.I cannot belive that the church brainwashed all texans ,well some that pretend. I mean politicians are smart and feed on the gullible like vampires.Stupidity and ignorance are rampant in Texas due to the climate or culture develeped by the state to keep the natives savage.

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  13. Good job. Stay posting!

  14. Thank you for expressing. Very simple and easy to comprehend. Well done!

  15. Good piece of textual content I have to admit. Well developed and extremely beneficial, many thanks!

  16. A few great ideas. Effectively considered

  17. I really liked the article, and the very cool blog

  18. It's now 2014. Texas is still red. Texas is the most economically stable state in the Republic. There might be something wrong with all those blue states.


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