Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Indicted Sheriff Loses In Potter County

This was the one Potter County race in the Republican primary that I was interested in. The current sheriff of Potter County has been indicted on a felony charge of taking bribes from the vendor who runs the jail commissary. He was accused of receiving cash, trips, meals, computers and other gifts.

Even though there seems to be plenty of evidence against him, Sheriff Shumate (pictured above) has proclaimed his innocence. With the trial scheduled for June of this year, he again tossed his name in the ring to be re-elected as sheriff. Since there have been no public polls in this race, it was anyone's guess what the voters of Potter County would do.

With 96% of the vote in as I write this, it looks like the good people of Potter County think it is time for a new sheriff to take over.Here's how the vote currently stacks up:

Brian Thomas......3,037 (37%)

Clay Duke..........2,022 (24%)

Ken Farren.........1,324 (16%)

Mike Shumate........986 (12%)

Frank Frausto........935 (11%)

It looks like about 88% of the Potter County voters have decided they need a new sheriff. As a Democrat, I did not vote in this race. However, I wish to thank the Potter County Republicans who did vote. Regardless of whether they choose Thomas or Duke in the run-off, Potter County will be better off.

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