Wednesday, March 05, 2008

My Precinct Caucus

Precinct #122 - Potter County Democrats

I went to my precinct caucus (convention) last night -- Potter County precinct #122. I was pleasantly surprised to see a turnout of 27 people for this precinct. That may not seem like a lot of people to some of you, but you must understand that this is a tiny precinct that votes heavily Republican. To have 27 people is a good turnout for precinct #122.

I usually attend the precinct caucus, and I have attended caucuses in the past where the turnout didn't equal the number of delegates the precinct could send to the next level. Evidently, the campaigns have gotten through to many about the importance of the caucuses in choosing delegates. About two-thirds of the people who came to the caucus, were attending their very first caucus.

There were no really experienced people at the caucus, so I volunteered to be the temporary caucus chairman and my daughter volunteered to be the secretary. When I called the caucus to order, we were unanimously elected permanent chair and secretary.

After everyone signed in and made their choice for president, it broke down this way -- Clinton 15, Obama 11, Uncommitted 1. The uncommitted person was given a chance to join one of the other groups, and chose to join the Clinton group.

I was proud that Obama had this good a turnout in this precinct. I was hoping we'd be able to squeeze a delegate out for him.

After doing a little math, it was decided that Clinton would receive 4 delegates and Obama would receive 2 delegates. The delegates were then chosen by each group. My daughter was chosen as a Clinton delegate, and I was chosen as an alternate for Obama.

No resolutions were submitted, and the caucus was adjourned. The whole thing took about 45 minutes.

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