Friday, March 07, 2008

"Traitor Joe" Loses His Vote

The excellent blog, McBlogger, brings us some great news. It looks like the turncoat senator, Joe Lieberman, has lost his superdelegate status. Thank goodness -- that was an honor he certainly didn't deserve.

According to, the political blog of the Hartford Courant, the Democratic Party has taken away Lieberman's superdelegate vote in this year's nominating process. They did it because he has publicly come out in support of John McCain for president.

Now the party needs to finish the job, and strip Lieberman of all his committee seats in the Senate and kick him out of the Democratic caucus. He hasn't been a Democrat for a long time now. The party needs to recognize that fact and gives his committee seats to a loyal Democrat -- one who actually votes like a Democrat.

This needs to be done because:

1. Lieberman supports a Republican for president.
2. Lieberman has voted against the Democrats and for Bush on every bill relating to the Iraq War.
3. Lieberman votes with the Republicans a majority of the time on all bills.
4. Lieberman ran against the official Democratic candidate in the last election.
5. Lieberman is a creep. This one is just my opinion, but I think there are probably many, many Democrats who agree with me.

Now, some of you may say that Bernie Sanders is not a Democrat, and he's a part of the Democratic caucus. That's true, but Sanders votes with the Democrats 99% of the time -- Lieberman doesn't even come close to that. Let the Republicans put him on a committee if they want to.

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