Friday, March 07, 2008

Racist Indicted In Tarrant County

Last December 19th in Arlington, Grace Edith Head (pictured above) attacked another woman and hit her on the head with a 2-by-4. The other woman was African-American and the attack was racially motivated. Head was arrested and released on $25,000 bond. Two days later the other lady's home was vandalized with racial slurs painted on it.

On Wednesday, a Tarrant County Grand Jury finally acted in the case. They issued an indictment against Head, charging her with Aggravated Assault With A Deadly Weapon (with a "hate crime" provision). The charge is a first-degree felony, which is punishable by up to life in prison. She was also charged with Criminal Mischief.

I think the charge is appropriate. She could easily have killed her victim with her violent actions. Head has the right to not like anyone else for any reason (however stupid), but she does not have the right to violently attack them or destroy their property.

We have tried to change in this country and do away with racism, but too much of it still exists. It's bad enough that we have to put up with the far too-slowly changing of institutional racism. But one thing we do not have to put up with is racial violence. We must act quickly to squash it every time it raises it's ugly head.

Hopefully, we will have a society free of racism someday. But first, we must make it clear that violent racist actions will not be tolerated.


  1. For every one you can post like this I can post 90 the other way around. Why is it racist if I mention black on white crime but ok for you to do the opposite?

  2. Not all white on black or black on white crime is racist.
    This crime was committed because the other lady was black - that is what makes it racist.
    I can't believe you don't see the difference.


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