Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Lies From The Fundie Right-Wing

The billboard pictured above is in Waco, Texas. It's a prime example of the ridiculous lengths that the right-wing fundamentalists will go to, all to try and push their anti-abortion views. I wouldn't have a problem with the billboard except for two things -- it's a lie and it's slanderous.

Let's talk about the slander first. The billboard is obviously putting forth an anti-abortion point of view, and by linking Planned Parenthood to the Susan G. Komen For The Cure Foundation on this kind of billboard gives the impression that the Komen Foundation is linked to abortions. This is absolutely not true.

The Komen Foundation has never supported abortion in any way. Their only purpose is fighting breast cancer. They have donated over $1 billion for education and research regarding breast cancer.They do have a connection with Planned Parenthood, but it has nothing to do with abortion.

They have given Planned Parenthood some funds to do breast exams and educate women about breast cancer. The billboard slanders the Komen Foundation because it intentionally gives viewers the wrong impression -- it implies that they are funding abortions. Personally, I think the Komen Foundation should turn some attorneys loose on them.

The billboard also is telling viewers that there is a connection between breast cancer and abortion. It comes right out and says that abortion increases the risk of getting breast cancer. That is a lie! They are relying on inaccurate and poorly done studies.

The truth is that all of the biggest, newest and most reliable studies have concluded that there is absolutely no connection. There is NO increased risk of getting breast cancer after getting an abortion!

These people have the right to oppose abortion. However, they don't have the right to slander innocent organizations and tell lies to support their views.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for a great news worthy article! It's a shame that Pro-Life people resort to fear and lies. They realize that if people are enlightened, they might actually make an informed intelligent decision!

    The funny thing is, it reminds me of a "debate" I had with a friend the other night, I'm Pro-Choice, She's Pro-Life...she claims that if we make abortions (ALL) illegal, that young women won't have sex because they use it as birth control..
    I know, stupid..I asked her about illegal drugs, how THAT is illegal, but SOMEHOW, a HUGE population of the people in jail have been arrested for drug use while others just haven't been caught...just because you make something illegal, doesn't prevent people from doing it. Basically, she just regurgitates what other Pro-Life people shout.
    It's a shame.

    Btw, I'd bring legal action on that billboard if I were the Komen just isn't right, have you sent them an email with the ad? Maybe the idiots are hoping that noone would ever find out....hmmmm


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