Mrs. Sanford told reporters, "His career is not a concern of mine. He's going to have to worry about that. I'm worried about my family and the character of my children." I really can't blame her for feeling that way. He not only publically embarrassed her and their children, but he broke the solemn oath he made to her on their wedding day.
Almost as bad, were the hypocritical lies Sanford seemed comfortable telling the American people. He was in the forefront of the "family values" clique of right-wing Republicans and a big wheel in the Promise Keepers organization. As a representative of both, he was quick to tell Americans how they should live -- and all the while he was violating his own words for at least the last year. He is the very definition of a hypocrite.
But the most important reason he should resign is his violation of his oath of office to the people of the state of South Carolina. He disappeared for nearly a week without telling anyone where he was going, not even his own staff (and to cover their ignorance, they cooked up a story about him hiking the Appalachian Trail). South Carolina citizens had a right to expect their governor to always be where he can be reached in case of an emergency.
Sanford has violated the trust of too many people. It is time for him to resign his governorship.
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