Friday, September 25, 2009

"Fed" Murdered In Kentucky

This is a story that should horrify and disgust all decent Americans. It seems that some nut has carried the incessant right-wing anti-government hate speech to its logical conclusion -- violence aimed at our federal government.

On September 12, Bill Sparkman (pictured), a teacher and U.S. Census worker, was found hanged in the Daniel Boone National Forest in Kentucky. The perpetrator of this murder had also scrawled the word "fed" across Sparkman's chest. Sparkman had been doing census work in the rural area, and obviously came across one or more people who think it's now all right to kill anyone working for the government.

Some early news reports had said the police were trying to figure out whether it was a homicide or suicide. That's ridiculous. The Kentucky police can't be that stupid. Who's going to scrawl "fed" across their chest to commit suicide? It simply doesn't make sense. Anyway, the Census Bureau said they had been told by police that this was "an apparent homicide".

I'll be honest. I blame the purveyors of right-wing hate speech for this unspeakable crime. The hate-speakers like Bachman, O'Reilly, Limbaugh, Malkin, Savage and Coulter have convinced the fringe element in this country that anyone who doesn't agree with them is a socialist and an enemy of this country.

I especially blame Glen Beck and his teabagging pals, who talk about the federal government as though it's only days away from enslaving America and sending its citizens to Death Panels who will tax them into poverty and then kill them. With the amount of vitriolic hate-speech coming from Beck and his pathetic minions, I'm really just surprised this hasn't happened earlier.

I know these people won't temper their hatred or accept any responsibility, so we can expect to see this kind of thing again. And where is the FBI? Isn't this a terrorist act against our government?


  1. WOW. This murder is shocking and disgusting. To blame the first ammendment is irresponsible though. People who attend tea partys in this country are not nut job murdererd from rural Kentucky though. They are college students like me and my very law abiding family who happen to think that expanding the scope of the federal government is not the answer to this nation's problems. And by the way, the idea of doing so is the opposite of a republic, and it is socialism. Do I think feds should be killed though? OF COURSE NOT. So please stop blaming the first ammendment or we might lose it, then what?

  2. No one is blaming the first amendment smart guy. However that's a perfect example of how a blatantly ignorant, misinformed bigot, such as Rush Limbaugh might actually try to make his argument. He bolsters himself as a model patriot fighting for American values, and thus you buy in. With his help and your inherent social disposition you quickly learn that your way of life is under attack! On a high horse you set out like perfect mix of Paul Revere, and Paul Ryan...A vigilant patriot who is completely misinformed. -Corey Adams


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