Saturday, December 19, 2009

Infamous Auschwitz Sign Is Stolen

The infamous sign above was made by Polish political prisoners in 1940, and since that time it has stood over the gate of the Nazi death camp known as Auschwitz. Over a million innocent people marched under this sign to their death. About 90% of them were Jewish, but there were also homosexuals, gypsies and other political prisoners.

For nearly 65 years now, the sign has been kept in place as a warning to everyone of the horrible crimes mankind is capable of committing, and as a tribute to the innocent lives taken in that terrible place. Over a million visitors see the sign and the camp each year.

The sign says Arbeit Macht Frei, which means "Work Sets You Free". It was a lie, meant to calm the victims marching under it with the vain hope they could somehow escape death. The sign is made of wrought iron, spans 16 feet in length and weighs 90 pounds. The camp is protected by security guards and closed circuit cameras. But none of that prevented the latest crime at the camp.

During the early morning hours of friday, between 3:30am and 5:00am Polish time, THE SIGN WAS STOLEN. It is doubtful the sign was taken for profit, because it would be almost impossible to sell. That leaves either pranksters or neo-nazis. My money is on the neo-nazi filth. They have the best, albeit still flimsy, excuse to commit this crime.

A duplicate has now been put over the camp's gate until hopefully the original can be found. A 5,000 zloty ($1,700) reward has been offered for the return of the sign, but I can't help but think it should be much more. The sign's figurative value is incalculable.

Polish ex-president, Lech Walesa, says the theft is "unthinkable". I agree.


UPDATE -- It looks like it wasn't neo-nazis after all. Polish police have arrested five men ranging in age from 20 to 39. The police say none of the men have any connection to a racist or neo-nazi organization. They believe it was supposed to be a crime for profit, but don't know if there was a pre-arranged buyer. When the sign was recovered, it had been cut into three pieces.

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