Monday, January 04, 2010

Felix Alvarado On The "Anointed One"

If you read the Texas newspapers and Democratic/progressive blogs, you would get the impression that there's really no reason to hold next March's Democratic primary to pick a candidate for governor. Most media and party leaders have already "anointed" ex-mayor of Houston Bill White (pictured) as the winner.

I think they're counting their chickens before the eggs have even hatched. White may be an extremely popular Democrat in Houston and parts of South Texas, but he is a virtual unknown in most other parts of the state (especially the north and western parts of the state). In addition, he's a "blue dog" Democrat, at a time when many progressives are angry with how the "blue dogs" have screwed up health care reform.

One of his opponents, educator and veteran Felix Alvarado, is even questioning the popularity of White among his home-town voters. Alvarado says:

"I find it difficult to swallow that anyone who wins a mayoral race with only 13.52% (123,413 total ballots/912,888 RV) of the population of registered voters voting … a popular or outstanding leader. I would imagine a strong leader would excite the population into supporting his or her candidacy. It is more the norm for mayors to get elected by a small percentage of the population, which is probably why they do not get elected statewide. But, one would assume that a popular mayor would excite and encourage voter participation, rather than effect decline in voter participation, more so during reelection. That seems to speak loudly about the strength of that support."

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