Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Palin - All Talk, No Financial Support

Right after the health care reform laws passed, Sarah Palin targeted 20 different congressmen on FaceBook who had supported the laws (with an actual target drawn on them). She said she was targeting these people to get them out of Congress, and urged her followers to help do this by sending money to her political PAC -- SarahPAC. Of course the implication given was that the money donated would be used to support the opponents of the named twenty.

Her followers donated over $400,000 to the stated cause, and combined with the $900,000 already in the PAC's bank account, that meant there was over $1.3 million available to help her chosen candidates. So how much of this sizable fund has actually made it into the coffers of her 20 chosen candidates? None. Zero. Zilch. Not a single penny!

If I had been one of those who had donated money, I would be very angry right now. The money donated to help these candidates has certainly not been used for that purpose. Is this just a con game being run by Palin to squeeze a little more money out of her followers? If the money is not being used to support conservative candidates, just what is the money being used for?

To be honest, she has given a pittance ($7500 total) to five candidates, although none of them are in the targeted races the money was supposed to be spent for. The candidates who received money are Senate candidate Rand Paul (Kentucky) $2000, House candidate Sean Duffy (Wisconsin) $2500, House candidate Allen West (Florida) $1000, House candidate Adam Kinzinger (Illinois) $1000, and House candidate Vaughan Ward (Idaho) $1000.

So only $7500 out of more than $1.3 million available has actually gone to support individual candidates, and nothing has gone to support the candidates she asked her people to donate to support. Where then is SarahPAC spending its money? Here is where some of the money has gone this year:

Political consultants..........$243,000
Travel (for Team Palin)..........$42,000
Internet fundraising..........$25,000

Frankly, it looks like the money is being spent to further the celebrity of Sarah Palin herself, and not to further the chances of conservative candidates. This may be legal, but it certainly borders on outright fraud. Once again we find that the main purpose of Sarah Palin, even through her PAC, is to enrich Sarah Palin.

1 comment:

  1. big fecking surprise...she's a money grabbing attention seeking meida whore.


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