Friday, May 21, 2010

Republicans Nominate Racist In Kentucky

This really doesn't come as a surprise. The teabaggers have repeatedly claimed they are not racists, but they sure seem to attract a lot of racists. Now it turns out that one of their favorite candidates, the man they are supporting for the U.S. Senate seat in Kentucky, is a racist.

Rand Paul won the Republican nomination for the senate in Kentucky (although he got less votes than either of the Democrats did in their primary), but he hadn't even finished celebrating when he let it be known that he wouldn't have voted for the 1964 Civil Rights Act if he had been in Congress at that time. He went on to say he believes that businesses should have the right to discriminate against anyone they want to discriminate against.

It seems like Paul would have no problem returning to the bad old days of "whites only" restaurants, hotels and other businesses. Paul's position on civil rights is so extreme that it even worries his supporter, Senator Jim DeMint (R-South Carolina, who said, "I'm going to talk to Rand about his positions."

Paul went even further. He said he also opposes the Fair Housing Act (which prohibits discrimination in the sales and rentals of homes and apartments). He said the people who own those homes and apartments should be able to discriminate against anyone. That sounds pretty racist to me.

In addition to his racist beliefs, it had already come to light that Paul also opposed the Americans with Disabilities Act. It seems he would have no problem with businesses discriminating against disabled people. All of this makes me wonder who else Paul thinks it would be fine to discriminate against -- women, other minorities, homosexuals, moslems, poor people? Does he want to return to a time when only rich, white, men had rights?

It has also come to light that Paul is willing to compromise his anti-government beliefs when it will benefit him financially. He has said he is running on a "resolute pledge to balance the federal budget and slash the size of government." He said his campain was "all about federal spending" and the "tea party message". That is, until it comes to his own pocketbook.

He is perfectly happy for the federal government to continue (and even increase) Medicare payments to doctors saying, "Physicians should be allowed to make a comfortable living." Of course, the teabagger candidate himself is a doctor (ophthalmologist). He thinks it's fine for the federal government to send him money -- it's just everyone else who shouldn't get any federal money.

When you add all of this to the fact that Paul supports the racist, dangerous, anti-government militia movement, then it is clear to see the Republicans have nominated a candidate that is fast becoming a nightmare for them. His handlers are going to have to keep a close watch on him, because their job (to get him elected) becomes a lot harder every time he opens his mouth.

Paul seems to be surprised that his racist views have caused such a furor, and he has now stopped trying to defend them. He has now turned 180 degrees and says he supports the 1964 Civil Rights Act and would not try to overturn it. This just makes matters even worse. Paul is not only a racist, he is a racist that will say anything to get elected.

I hope the good people of Kentucky will chase this snake back under his rock come November for the good of all Americans.


NOTE -- This is post number 5,000 for jobsanger blog.

1 comment:

  1. Why would anyone be shocked? The libertarian view has long been for absolute property rights -- that the owner of any private concern has the right to be as discriminatory and racist as he or she wants to be. Barry Goldwater's opposition to the 1964 Civil Rights Act became a cornerstone of his presidential campaign. I think the Republicans just didn't vet Rand Paul enough before the fact.


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