Monday, August 23, 2010

Iran Shows Off Unmanned Bomber

With the world concentrating on its powering up of its first nuclear reactor, it looks like Iran felt the need to toss out a new threat to anyone who might wish to bomb the new reactor. They unveiled a new unmanned bomber (drone). The drone, named the "Karrar", is supposedly capable of carrying two 250 pound bombs or one 500 pound precision bomb, and has a range of 620 miles.

It does not have the range to attack Israel, but it could attack ships in the area and bases in Iraq and Afghanistan. Most military experts don't expect this development to upset the balance of power in that area. With its tiny military budget, it is unlikely that they will be able to produce the drones in sufficiently large enough numbers to pose any real threat. They will probably be fairly easy targets for advanced ground-to-air missiles also.

It did however serve as another opportunity for Iranian leader President Ahmadinejad to engage in some more of his famous nonsensical double-talk. He said, "This jet is a messenger of honor and human generosity and a savior of mankind, before being a messenger of death for enemies of mankind. The key message of friendship. We must make efforts to render all the enemy's weapons useless with our defense potential."

He may convince a few Iranians with that nonsense, but the rest of the world knows he's trying to issue a threat (although not a very frightening one).

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