Friday, August 13, 2010

Those Who Live In Glass Houses . . .

It's not even Labor Day but the charges are coming fast and furious in the race for governor of Texas. There hasn't been a debate yet, and probably won't be if Perry can avoid it, but just from the abrasive tone of the campaign already a person could be forgiven for thinking the election must be next week.

The latest charge involves politicians rewarding their donors with political appointments. The Democratic candidate, Blue Dog Bill White, has accused the Republican incumbent, Secessionist Rick Perry, of picking people who have made large political donations to him for state posts and boards. And it's true, he has done that. In his 10 year stint as governor Rick Perry has accepted at least $10 million from those he's appointed to state offices.

The only problem with Blue Dog Bill making this charge is that it smacks of the pot calling the kettle names. According to a post in the Texas Tribune, Blue Dog Bill did the same thing during his tenure as the mayor of Houston. It turns out that he accepted over $2 million from people he had appointed to city posts and boards.

It is a continuing problem for politicians to reward their donors with appointed posts. Whether it's true or not, it gives the impression of people buying their way into political power. Some of these posts come with a salary and some do not, but they all come with a certain amount of political power and prestige -- whether for the state or a large city.

Personally I'd like to see this practice outlawed, but that ain't going to happen. There are nearly enough honest politicians to make that a reality. So for now, we'll just have to accept that both viable candidates for governor are tarred with this same brush (unless you consider the candidates of the Libertarian Party and Green Party to be viable candidates).

It's just politics as usual here in Texas. They may all live in glass houses, but they're throwing stones as fast as they can.

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