Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Globe News Makes Shocking Endorsement

The Amarillo Globe News is one of the most right-wing newspapers in Texas (and probably the nation as well).   They have a long history of supporting right-wing candidates for office, and this year is no different.   They had already endorsed many right-wing Republican candidates in this election including, David Dewhurst for Lt. Governor, Greg Abbott for Attorney General, Todd Staples for Agriculture Commissioner, Jerry Patterson for Land Commissioner, Susan Combs for State Comptroller, Mac Thornberry for District 13 U.S. Representative, and Walter Price for District 87 State Representative.  

They've also endorsed all three Republicans running for the Texas Supreme Court and the three Republicans running for the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals.   That's why the editorial endorsement made by the newspaper yesterday came as somewhat a shock.   They actually endorsed a Democrat -- albeit a corporate conservative Blue Dog Democrat.   The Amarillo Globe News has endorsed Bill White for governor.

Here is some of what the newspaper had to say about their endorsement:

"Change often doesn't come easily in a political system that usually rewards incumbency, seniority and a stubborn adherence to conventional wisdom.

Texas, however, is ripe for change at the top of its government ladder.

Bill White, thus, has earned the chance to govern a state in flux.

White, the Democratic nominee for governor, has more than earned his spurs as a public official.

Bill White was a successful three-term mayor of Houston, the nation's fourth-largest city; he served the Clinton administration as a deputy energy secretary, acquiring a good body of knowledge of a project near to the conscience of the Panhandle, Pantex; he built a successful energy company and was a skilled lawyer in private practice.

White's background, experience, political instincts and temperament all have prepared him well for the governorship.

It's instructive that White has collected support in the Panhandle from key Republican movers and shakers. Imagine that. This solidly Republican region of a solidly Republican state has several key leaders expressing their support for the Democratic nominee for governor.

But the former Houston mayor is no squishy liberal who is anathema to Panhandle conservatives. He is a pragmatic, pro-business bridge-builder with a demonstrated ability to work with Republicans."

I have been saying for a while now that Bill White is not really very different from the slate of corporate-owned conservatives the Republican Party is running.   I think this proves my point.   If White had any progressive credentials at all, he would never have received this endorsement.

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