Thursday, April 07, 2011

A Personally Disturbing Incident

I realize that this is not of any national or even regional importance but I felt compelled to mention it. The picture above (from the Amarillo Globe News) shows rescue workers and police removing a dead body from a small ditch. Police officials said they believe the body might be a 64 year-old man who disappeared from a nearby motel last December and said they are treating the death as "suspicious". The body was discovered yesterday morning by a Tx-DOT worker.

The reason I'm blogging about this is because the area where this body was found is literally right across the street from where I live -- probably less than 150 yards away. It's very disconcerting to know that a dead body has been laying that close to my home for maybe as much as four months.

And it would be even more worrying if it turned out that the victim had been murdered. This is not considered a high-crime part of town. And the site where the body was discovered is a rather small area surrounded on three sides by some very busy streets -- not a likely location to go to and dump a body. It would be much more likely, if it is a murder, that the murderer also lives in or frequents this area.

I think I'm going to be checking to make sure my doors are locked tonight.


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