Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Americans Pessimistic About The Future

One of the facets of the "American Dream" that has been the most persistent throughout our history is the belief that the next generation will be better off than the current generation. Americans are generally a positive people, and most believe they are working to provide their children with an easier and a better life than they have. That is true even of people experiencing a current hardship.

The Gallup Poll has been surveying people on this since the early 1980s, and they have always found a majority of Americans believe their children will have it better than they do. Well, up until this year anyway. For the first time in this poll's history a majority of Americans think this is no longer true -- that their children will not have an easier time and very likely will have tougher times than adults today.

The survey, done between April 20th and April 23rd of 1,013 national adults, found that only 44% of Americans see a brighter future for their children and grandchildren. Meanwhile, about 55% think that is not likely to happen. Here are a few of the numbers from this year and past year's (of those with a positive outlook):

April 2011...............44%
January 2010...............62%
March 2009...............59%
February 2008...............66%
January 2003...............66%
December 2001...............71%
January 1998...............65%
November 1996...............56%
January 1983...............54%

The current jobless recession is obviously the cause of this pessimism. But we have had recessions before. The difference this time is that the people are now doubting whether there is a path out of this recession -- at least for many years. They have a very low opinion of either political party being able (or having the political will) to act in the best interests of ordinary citizens. They see the vast income and wealth redistribution that is happening and the anemic amount of jobs being created (while corporations continue to outsource jobs and avoid paying taxes).

All polls in the last few months show a very low opinion by the huge majority of people for both parties in Congress. The people just don't see Congress showing any leadership in improving the economy, although both do talk about improving it a lot. But talk is cheap and action is almost nonexistent. And the people are not as stupid as the politicians think they are. They can see the fighting and inaction while the people continue to suffer.

Here is the demographic breakdown of those who think the future is bright for our children. Note that the wealthy, the older people and the Republicans are the most pessimistic:

General public...............44%

18 to 29...............57%
30 to 44...............45%
50 to 64...............36%
over 65...............37%

Less than $30K...............52%
$30 to $75K...............44%
Over $75K...............37%



  1. I think I’m more pessimistic now than I was in 2008, when I’m told the economy was worse.

    I have not experienced a time before when everyone I know was honestly in fear for their jobs and livelihood. The folks I know who work for government – or nonprofits – are downright bleak…

    I’m not bleak, but… I am concerned that we’ve undermined the middle class and turned ourselves into a third nation, all because a few corporations convinced our elected leaders that free trade and under-regulation would lead to free puppies for everyone…

  2. I have to agree KD. We are turning a perfectly good democracy into a plutocracy (where if you ain't rich, you ain't nobody).

  3. The difference this time is that the people are now doubting whether there is a path out of this recession -- at least for many years.

    They are doubting the current leadership, and the numbers are much higher. The next election will show that.

  4. And while the numbers are low for both congressional parties, they are even lower for Republicans than Democrats.


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