Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Right-Wing Dazed By Obama Success

Any way you look at it, Sunday night was a stunning victory for President Obama. The American people have waited for a long time for the U.S. government to catch up with Osama bin Laden and bring him to justice, and the president was finally able to announce they had been successful. As I listened to the president announce Osama's death I wondered just how the right-wing would try to play this victory. After all, they have adamantly refused up to now to give the president credit for anything.

And they did not disappoint. Most on the right still refuse to give the president the credit he deserves. President Obama has supervised this operation from the very first, and showed a great deal of political courage in authorizing the foray into Pakistan by American forces (which is exactly what he said he would do if Osama was found in Pakistan).

Some, like Sarah Palin, have ignored the president altogether and only praised the forces on the ground who did the actual fighting. I guess these people think no decisions had to be made. But many on the right are giving credit to President Bush instead of President Obama -- such as Rep. Eric Cantor, Bush Chief of Staff Andy Card, Karl Rove, Rep. Steve King, Donald Rumsfeld, former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, Bush legal advisor John Yoo, Heritage Foundation president Edwin Feulner, and teabaggers Michelle Malkin, Laura Ingraham, and Judson Phillips.

To use a football analogy, these right-wingers make it sound like George Bush carried the ball down to the 1 yard line and then tossed it to Barack Obama to make the score. This is just silly. A much better analogy would be to say Obama picked up a Bush fumble and ran it for a touchdown. If you'll remember, Bush seemed to have lost interest in finding Osama near the end of his presidency, saying, "I don't know where he is. I really just don't spend that much time on him, to be honest with you."

But as silly as these right-wingers seem there is a group of fringe right-wingers (such as blogger Andrew Brietbart and Washington Times editor Emily Miller) who are going off the deep end with a new conspiracy theory. They are claiming that Osama bin Laden may not be dead, and they are demanding proof of his death -- actually wanting to see the body. This is ridiculous. We have the assurance of the forces (praised by the right-wing) who actually did the job and of DNA evidence.

This reminds me of the "birthers", who insisted on a conspiracy long after there was no doubt of the president's birth in Hawaii. Now that this movement has been thoroughly discredited it wouldn't surprise me at all to see them jump on board this new conspiracy theory -- the "deathers". These people need an excuse to oppose the president (since they can't admit to their real reason to oppose him -- their racism). I expect we'll hear a lot more from these new "deathers" in the near future, and personally I think they are still as pathetic as they were when they were "birthers".

But the denials of both the "Bushers" and the "deathers" was to be expected. They are incapable of admitting President Obama did something right -- even when it was something they themselves wanted. That's just the kind of people they are.


  1. If you'll remember, Bush seemed to have lost interest in finding Osama near the end of his presidency, saying, "I don't know where he is. I really just don't spend that much time on him, to be honest with you."

    It would have been much better to say We think we know where he is and It's our main focus. Your such a moron. I see there is no mention of the water boarding that produced the "fumble" Obama ran with.

  2. And there is no proof that torture gave us this information. To the contrary, many intelligence officers have said they got no useful information using the torture techniques (where people tell you what you want to hear - not what is true).

  3. The right wing can spin it any way they care to, but the truth remains that 9/11 happened on Bush's watch and Bin Laden was brought to justice on Obama's watch. It makes the right wingers mad... to be sure... but their anger doesn't change the reality that the Obama administration was able to accomplish something that George Bush and his cronies could not. My oh my, how that must sting.

  4. Keenedy set it motion the first manned landing on the moon, but it happened while Nixon was president. Who should get the credit?

  5. but the truth remains that 9/11 happened on Bush's watch

    9/11 did happen on Bushes watch but started on and could have been preented on Clintons watch.

  6. Nonny-
    Obama gets the credit because he got the job done. Bush blew it because of his hatred of Saddam.

  7. "9/11 did happen on Bushes watch but started on and could have been preented on Clintons watch. "

    That's a bit disingenuous. When al Quaeda bombed the World Trade Center in 1993, the Clinton administration brought the bombers to justice and started an anti-bin Laden campaign that turned into an order to kill him by 1998.

    In January 2001, the Bush administration refused to get the briefing on the hunt for bin Laden one last time, and on January 22, 2001, Bush signed the order calling off the hunt for bin Laden.

    Yeah, had Clinton been successful in killing bin Laden, it might have prevented 9/11. But at least Clinton was trying to get him.

    On 9/11 we learned that the Clintonites were right, and Bush was wrong to call off the hunt. No one said it was Bush's fault; even Democrats who knew the full story rallied to Bush's aid.

    Now it's time for Republicans to rally to Obama's success.

  8. Completely dazed. The sad thing is that we know they're wishing up and down that it failed. Blackhawk Down. Horrible considering that would mean they wish for the deaths of our operatives.


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