Saturday, June 11, 2011

More Thoughts On "Weinergate"

As all of America knows by now, Rep. Anthony Weiner pulled a real boner the other day (bad pun intended). He had inappropriate sexual conversations with several women (at least six), both before and after his marriage last July, and even "tweeted" photos of his penis to some of the women.

This was stupid behavior that was compounded by the congressman repeatedly lying about it, claiming that his twitter account had been hacked. He continued these lies for several days. I posted a few days ago that I thought Weiner should resign and I listed several reasons why I thought his resignation would be appropriate. Since that time a couple of things have happened -- Republicans have demanded his resignation and some Democrats are saying he should stay in office. I feel compelled to answer both.

First, the Republicans. Karl Rove, Reince Priebus (head of the RNC), and several other high-ranking Republicans are now demanding the resignation of Rep. Weiner. This is the height of hypocrisy, since none of them demanded the resignation of Republicans like Senator Vitter (who was exposed as visiting prostitutes and having sex with them while dressed in diapers). As long as they allow Vitter to serve in Congress, they have no moral authority to say anything about Weiner. They need to just shut up.

But while I don't think Republicans should have any say in this matter, I believe Democrats should be demanding Weiner's resignation. I know he is a good progressive who voted for and stood up for progressive causes. I also admired that side of him. But he has stepped over the line. There are others who can carry on the progressive cause, and Weiner should step aside and let them do it.

Some would point out that in a recent poll a slight majority in Weiner's district don't want him to resign. That really doesn't matter. The people of Louisiana re-elected Senator Vitter also. Neither man should be serving in Congress.

Others would point to Vitter and say if the Republicans didn't make him resign why should Democrats make Weiner resign? I would answer that we are not Republicans. Democrats are supposed to ascribe to a higher ethical standard than Republicans. Lying may be a Republican value, but it should not be a Democratic value. We should expect our Democratic officials to be honest with the American people -- even when they have screwed up. Any Democrat who supports Weiner staying in Congress gives up the right to discuss the ethical failings of Republicans.

I would also like to point out that the Democratic Party is traditionally the party dedicated to achieving and protecting equal rights for women. I am proud of this and have no desire to change it. But to protect Weiner after he has dishonored his pregnant wife and sexually harassed other women trashes the history of Democrats toward women.

Rep. Weiner should resign. That's all there is to it.

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