Saturday, June 11, 2011

Newt's Cruise

Political Cartoon is by Nate Beeler in The Washington Examiner.


  1. I've been following politics since I was eight years old (1958) and presidential politics since 1960, and I can't think of another campaign that's been more dysfunctional than Gingrich's.

    And yet, after all of his top political advisors resigned, he still arrogantly claims that a year from now, his unorthodox approach will be vindicated:

    "There is a fundamental strategic difference between the traditional consulting community and the kind of campaign I want to run. Now we'll find out over the next year who's right."

    Mark your calendar: June 10, 2012.

    I know that pollitical resurrections aren't impossible (John McCain in 2008 comes to mind), but I think Harold Camping's May 21, 2011 doomsday prediction was more plausible than Gingrich's.

  2. I have to agree with you. I think Gingrich is living in a dream world if he thinks he can come back from this campaign implosion. The only campaign I remember as being more dysfunctional than Gingrich's is the campaign of Clayton Williams when he ran against Ann Richards for governor. It seemed like every day Claytie said something stupid that cost him more votes, and his campaign manager couldn't shut him up (or explain his gaffes).

  3. You make a good point about Williams. Not having moved to Texas until three years later (1993), that fiasco wasn't as fresh in my mind as yours. But I still think that Gingrich has set the record for stepping on it earlier than anyone else.


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