Thursday, February 16, 2012

Wall Street Willie Hasn't Hit The Bottom Yet

Romney's super-PAC has just made a large ad buy in Michigan. The ads are to attack Rick Santorum in an effort to slow his surge in popularity in that state. Recent poll's have shown that Willard Mitt Romney (aka Wall Street Willie) has blown a huge lead in Michigan, a state that most people thought he would win easily since he grew up there and his father was that state's governor.

But those polls are not an anamoly. Romney really has lost his lead in Michigan and now trails Santorum badly. This is verified by two more polls just released. Here are the latest numbers:

Rick Santorum...............34%
Mitt Romney...............25%
Ron Paul...............11%
newt Gingrich...............5%

Rick Santorum...............35%
Mitt Romney...............32%
Ron Paul...............13%
Newt Gingrich...............11%

While it would be devastating for Romney to lose in Michigan on February 28th, he might be able to survive if he could rebound a few days later on Super Tuesday (March 6th). But the hopes of that seem to be dimming for him also. We learned a few days ago that Gingrich still has a lead in Georgia, and now a poll is showing that another big Super Tuesday state is also slipping away from Romney -- Ohio. here are the latest numbers from Ohio:

Rick Santorum...............36%
Mitt Romney...............29%
Newt Gingrich...............20%
Ron Paul...............9%

Why is the bottom falling out of Wall Street Willie's campaign? I think the news released about how he made his riches and his tiny tax rate (a smaller tax rate than many in the middle class pay) has eroded any chance of his winning over the party's base. A CNN/ORC POLL shows that 47%  of Republicans and 53% of conservatives think Romney's policies favor the rich over other Americans. That's pretty bad that half of his own party thinks he would favor the rich. They know that Wall Street Willie really has no conception of how hard this recession has been on ordinary Americans.

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