Wednesday, May 09, 2012

Hank Supports Rachel For Party Chair

I have made it very clear on this blog that I think we need a change in the direction of the Texas Democratic Party. To that end, I am supporting (and will vote in June for) Rachel Barrios-Van Os. And I hope other Democratic delegates to the state convention will do the same. But if you need a little more to convince you, maybe this will help. The Democratic candidate for Agriculture Commissioner in the last couple of elections, Hank Gilbert, is now endorsing Rachel Barrios-Van Os. Hank, a true and proud Texas Democrat, has this to say:

“I met Rachel on the campaign trail when we campaigned across Texas back in 2006. It really impressed me that even though Rachel was managing her husband David’s campaign for Attorney General, she always promoted the whole Democratic ticket at every event. She is pure Democrat to the core.

Rachel will stand up for the hard-working people of Texas and won’t back down to the Republicans or to any other talking heads. This party needs someone with courage, conviction and the backbone to do the right thing. Rachel will unite the people to support the Democratic Party and bring it back to a majority in this state.

She’s one tough woman with a heart of gold and I support her all the way for State Party Chair.”

Help to bring the Democratic Party back. Support Rachel Barrios-Van Os at the state convention next month.

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