Saturday, August 18, 2012

Republicans Are The Big Spenders

The graphic above will probably shock many people, especially those who are teabaggers and other right-wingers. They will probably instantly trot out the name of their demigod, Ronald Reagan. But it won't be true. Ronald Reagan increased the size of government and substantially increased the size of the deficit -- and George W. Bush increased both even more than Reagan did. In fact, no modern Republican president has ever cut the budget, decreased the size of government, or decreased the budget deficit.

The Republicans like to brag about being the party of fiscal responsibility, and they have even convinced many Americans that it is true -- but it's not true. Republican presidents are the biggest spenders of all. They just don't spend that money for the good of the vast majority of the American people. Their free-spending goes only to benefit the rich, the corporations, and the military-industrial complex (none of whom need any government help).

When a Republican promises to cut the deficit, he/she is lying? When a Republican promises to reduce the size of government, he/she is lying. When a Republican promises to cut government spending, he/she is lying. They just want to increase it all, and then redirect it for the benefit of the rich and the corporations.

And they tell another lie -- that they are opposed to income redistribution. They know that in a capitalist economy (even a regulated capitalism) income is continually being redistributed. That is just a fact. They just want that redistribution of income to go only to the rich, instead of being more fairly distributed throughout the economy to benefit all Americans.

Don't believe the Republican lies!

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