Thursday, August 16, 2012

Still No Poll "Bounce" For Ryan/Romney

(This caricature of the Ryan/Romney ticket is by DonkeyHotey.)

It is normal for a candidate for president to get a "bounce" in the polls after announcing his pick for vice-president -- a bounce that is generally in the 4% range. This has happened even with choices like Sarah Palin (who was unknown by around 70% of all voters). The bounce may or may not last very long, but it almost always happens. But it doesn't look like its going to happen for Romney (who picked Paul Ryan to be his running mate).

A new Economist/YouGov Poll released this week shows the Ryan/ Romney ticket fares no better than Romney alone did in their poll. In fact, they do a little worse (although that is within the margin of error of the poll). Before Ryan was announced as the running mate, Romney trailed the president by only a single point in the nationwide poll (46% to 45%). But the first poll taken after the veep announcement shows the president leading Romney by three points (47% to 44%). That means, at least so far, there has been no bounce.

A new Gallup Poll that was released yesterday also shows no bounce for the Republican duo.

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