Monday, September 03, 2012

The Height Of Hypocrisy

The Republicans want you to believe President Obama is solely to blame for our faltering economy. They have been repeating this endlessly on the campaign trail, and at their convention last week they made it a mantra. What they would like for you to forget (or ignore) is that it was a Republican administration that tanked the economy and ran up the budget deficit (after inheriting a budget surplus from President Clinton).

As the Bush administration left office, they handed President Obama the worst economy that any president has ever been given (with the sole possibility of the economic mess another Republican handed over to President Roosevelt in 1932). Then the Republicans proceeded to block almost everything President Obama tried to do to improve the economic mess they had given him, first through a misuse of the filibuster in the Senate, and after 2010, an absolute refusal by the House of Representatives to even consider anything proposed by the president.

To be blunt, the Republicans tanked the economy and then did everything they could to make sure the economy stayed bad, all in the hope that they could blame their own malfeasance on President Obama and fool the voters into returning their party to power. Their attempt to now blame the president for our economic woes is not only the height of hypocrisy, it is also a outrageous LIE!

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