Saturday, April 13, 2013

Congressional Approval Still Very Low

The above chart shows the results of the most recent Gallup Poll on approval of the current Congress. The poll was taken between April 4th and 7th of a random nationwide sample of 1,005 adults -- and has a margin of error of about 4 points.

Approval of Congress is not quite as bad as it has been, since it reached as low as 10% approval last year a couple of times. But 15% is certainly nothing to brag about. The slight increase is due to a small rise in approval of Congress from Democrats and Independents from the middle of last year (when the Democratic mark was 9% and the Independent mark was 11%), but both of those groups still join the GOP in overwhelming disapproval of the job Congress is doing.

The huge majority of the general public wants to see a job creation bill, a gun control bill, and immigration reform -- and if Congress was to get all three done they could see a significant rise in their approval numbers. But there is zero chance of a jobs bill, almost no chance of a gun bill, and only a slim chance of immigration reform -- and it is the congressional Republicans that want to stop all three. Democrats need to make sure the voters know this as the 2014 election approaches.

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