Saturday, May 25, 2013

Most Southerners Want Medicaid Expansion

Republican governors in the South have been delaying or denying an expansion of Medicaid in their states. This expansion would give health insurance coverage to millions who do not have it right now. And they want us to think this is the wish of most people in their states. That's just not true.

The chart above was taken from a survey done in 5 Southern States in March and April of this year by the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies. It shows that significant majorities in all those states want Medicaid to be expanded in their states -- and those majorities cut across all age lines and racial lines. Only one group (conservatives) don't show a majority in favor of Medicaid expansion -- and they are pretty evenly split on the issue.

The position of these Republican governors may please their teabagger base, but it is not the wish of the majority of voters in their states.

1 comment:

  1. you think that asshole Perry gives a shit what we think? they can keep voting for him is beyond me.


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