Thursday, August 15, 2013


From the Facebook page called Being Liberal.


  1. Well, it's quite obvious that Mr. Read has never run so much as a whelk stall in his life.

    Dodgy-looking fella', his eyes are too close together - and he should try standing closer to his razor in the morning!

  2. Making fun of someone's appearance does nothing to counter their argument.

  3. But he hasn't demonstrated one. Mere assertion is not an argument. And I have just looked up his cv and I was dead right, he's never actually run anything in his life, never had to meet a payroll, negotiate credit, deal with customers. The wretched man is just another university (2nd rate) hot-air merchant.

    And, yes, I am in a grumpy mood today, thank you for asking!

  4. You don't have to be a parasite to recognize one when you see it.


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