Saturday, September 21, 2013

Democrat Has Huge Lead In NYC Race

There's still a few weeks to go, but the first two polls show Democrat Bill de Blasio has a huge lead in the New York City mayor's race against Republican Joe Lhota and Independence Party candidate Adolfo Carrion. In the NBC/WSJ/Marist Poll (done on September 15th and 16th of 930 registered voters -- with a 3.2 point margin of error), de Blasio has a 43 point lead over Lhota and a 59 point lead over Carrion.

The Quinnipiac University Poll (done between September 15th and 18th of 891 likely voters -- with a 3.3 point margin of error) verifies that huge lead by de Blasio. Quinnipiac has him with a 41 point lead over Lhota and a 64 point lead over Carrion. I have included the demographic breakdown for the Quinnipiac poll to show that deBlasio leads by a large margin with every race, income level, gender, educational level and age group.

Lhota (and Carrion) have a very large mountain to climb just to get back in this race.

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