Monday, September 02, 2013

Labor Day

I hope all of my readers have a safe and very happy Labor Day. But we must never forget that the benefits enjoyed by many of today's workers (8 hour workday, 40 hour work-week, paid vacation, paid sick time, minimum wage, safe working environment, etc.) were not generously provided by capitalists. There were fought for and won by union members -- many of whom gave their blood, and some of whom gave their lives. 

And the fight is not over. Many workers still lack those benefits, and the capitalists would like to take them away from those who have them (with the help of the congressional Republicans). We must remain vigilant and fight against those who would take us backwards, to a time when workers had no rights.

Capital is important -- but it is worthless without labor. Workers deserve respect -- and the ability to provide a decent living for themselves and their families. 

1 comment:

  1. It is a bit like old feminists like me, now looking at disinterested younger women expressing shock that birth control and pay are NOT what they expected since they thought WE fought and won that battle. There are some fights that are perennial.....


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