Sunday, October 20, 2013

3 Out Of 4 United States Citizens Believe Their Government Is Corrupt

Here is one more survey showing just what a low opinion of their government officials the United States citizens have. The Gallup Poll surveyed about 1,000 adults in 129 different countries, asking them if they thought corruption was widespread in their own country or not (with the margin of error in the different countries varying from 1.7 to 5.6 points).

The chart above shows how the citizens in the three North American countries viewed corruption in their own governments. Less than half of Canadians (46%) thought corruption was widespread in their government, while about 63% of Mexicans thought their government had widespread corruption. But the lowest opinion of the honesty of politicians was in the United States, where 73% of the public (or about 3 out of 4 people) said corruption was widespread in their government.

You can go to the Gallup website to see the public perception of government corruption in the other 126 countries.

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