Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Kinky To Run For Ag. Commissioner In 2014

Kinky Friedman is running again for Texas Agriculture Commissioner on the Democratic ticket. And I'll probably make some of my liberal friends mad by doing it, but I will support him in that effort (as I have supported him in the past).

There are some Democrats who are still mad at Kinky because he ran for governor in 2006. They believe that the Democratic candidate that year could have won if Kinky had not been in the race. It's not true, but it seems to make them feel better to believe it. The truth is that Kinky siphoned off just as many Republican votes (if not more) than Democratic votes -- and pulled some Independents into the voting booth that normally do not vote. If Kinky had not been in the race that year, a majority of the votes he got would have probably gone to Rick Perry (not the Democrat).

There are also some who will say Kinky is a bigot because he tells politically incorrect jokes. That's nonsense. He paid his dues in the 60's by marching for civil rights. He uses his politically incorrect comedy to make fun of racists and other bigots. A perfect example of this is his song called "Get Your Biscuits In The Oven And Your Buns In The Bed". In that song, he is making fun of the misogynists (not supporting them). In his comedy, he tries to show just how stupid all kinds of bigotry really is.

Do I agree with every position Kinky has taken. No. But I can't think of any other politician that I agree with about everything either. I supported and voted for many politicians that I have later taken to task on this blog because they did or said something I disagreed with, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't support them again (because I think they have something valuable to offer).

Kinky is admittedly not a straight-line liberal Democrat. He holds some conservative views (especially on economic issues) and some liberal views (like his support for marijuana legalization and gay rights). He is a political maverick, and that is exactly why he could be a good thing for the whole Democratic ticket -- because he appeals to people who are not normally Democratic voters, and people who don't normally vote. He will bring many Independents to the ticket (and even some Republicans), and many of them might actually vote for the entire ticket (especially Wendy Davis, who Kinky supports for governor).

I don't ask my Democratic friends to blindly support Kinky -- just give him a chance. He could help us to turn Texas blue (or at least purple) in the coming election, and that's not a bad thing.

NOTE -- The above picture is one my daughter took of me talking to Kinky at a campaign stop in 2006.


  1. Gotta love Kinky. He has more chutzpah than my husband's family on chanukah.

  2. Kinky recently visited our humble, local Dem party. He was the ONLY big name candidate who agreed to come and speak to us. I love him. SHAME on the Dem 'elitists' who refuse to acknowledge him as a viable candidate. On February 18, 2014, Kinky quietly arrived at 6:00 p.m. in a humble SUV, but the moment his boots hit pavement, a crowd of supporters surrounded him. Kinky eagerly met with over 100 folks, making each brief encounter seem like an intimate chat with a long, lost friend. When it was time for Kinky to take the stage, he shrugged off the restrictive confines of a wired mike, choosing to walk through the aisles of supporters as he made his case for Texas Ag Commissioner. He spoke for over an hour, never once losing the attention of the crowd. Kinky stressed “legalizing marijuana isn’t about everybody getting high, it’s an economical issue, that just makes sense…” He made them laugh, cheer, and even cry, but above all, he made them think. The consensus of the crowd is this: Kinky Friedman is more than a brilliant, witty, and funny guy—he is serious, committed, and qualified to do the job.

  3. I love Kinky. I just voted for him in the primary. I hope he wins.


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