Monday, November 04, 2013

Small Businesses Finally Seeing The Truth

For too long now, the Republicans have followed a policy of favoring the rich and the large corporations. They sold people, especially business men and women, on the notion that whatever was good for the large corporations was good for all businesses (and all Americans). That has never been true, and it looks like small business owners are finally realizing that.

The truth is that there are many regulations and policies that are great for large corporations, but are disastrous for small businesses. In short, whatever works for Wall Street may not work at all on Main Street. That is especially true in our poor economy. While the large corporations and giant financial institutions are raking in record-breaking profits, small businesses continue to struggle (with other Americans) to shake off the effects of the Bush recession.

This reality is reflected in a new Rasmussen Poll, where 51% of the respondents now say that the current economic policies are unfair to small businesses (while only 40% believe they are fair). The poll was taken on October 28th and 29th of 1,000 likely voters, and has a margin of error of 3 points.

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