Thursday, January 02, 2014

After 5 Years Of The Obama Presidency

The figures on the left are what they were in January of 2009 (the month President Obama took office), while the figures on the right reflect the situation today. That looks like a pretty good improvement to me, especially considering he had to do it without any help from the Republicans (who have done everything they could do to obstruct the president). Can you imagine what he could have done with just a little compromise and help from the GOP?


  1. It has taken the Democrats 5 years to balance off 8 years of republican rule.

  2. but but but isn't Obama ruining the nation like those republicans and tea party folks tell us? that moral and ethical family values crowd wouldn't lie to us, would they?

    1. The only time they're lying is when they're talking though (or writing).

    2. ...or waking, or sleeping, or eating, or drinking, or walking, or thinking...


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