Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Public Says U.S. Economic Policy Not Fair To All Americans

When the GOP's "trickle-down" economic policy was first proposed, it seemed reasonable to many Americans and they accepted it. They have now seen the reality of that misguided policy.

They have seen it benefit the rich and the corporations, while stagnating worker wages (and actually losing worker buying power as inflation ate away at those wages). They have seen unions weakened, allowing corporate owners and executives to hog all the rise in productivity. They have seen American jobs shipped to foreign countries (and corporations get tax breaks for shipping those jobs out of the country). They have seen executives on Wall Street get massive bonuses, while the minimum wage shrinks to an unlivable level. They have seen the middle class shrinking (as jobs were lost and the buying power of wages decreased). And they have seen that GOP policy cause the worst recession since the Great Depression.

The American people are now starting to realize they were duped by the congressional Republicans (and Republican presidents). A majority of the public now knows that the American economy (still shaped by that same failed GOP economic policy) is not fair to all Americans -- that while it benefits the rich, it hurts most other Americans (from the middle class to the working class to the poor).

And that realization is growing. Back in April, about 55% of Americans said the economy was unfair. Now that percentage has climbed to 61%.

The charts above are from surveys taken in April and June by the Rasmussen Poll (surveying a random national sample of 1,000 likely voters, with a margin of error of 3 points).


  1. jackthezipper6/18/2014 4:44 AM

    Yeah obamas trickle up poverty has been much better.

  2. Money always trickles up in a capitalist economy, and Obama's not to blame for people still hurting from the Bush recession -- because the Republicans have blocked all efforts to return to a sane economic policy.


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