Wednesday, August 20, 2014

White & Black Responses To Ferguson Not The Same

(This photo is from a tweet shown of the Facebook page called Our Time.)

Is it bad enough that an unarmed youth was shot (six times!) in Ferguson, and that the police response was a military one that treated American civilians exercising their constitutional rights as enemies. But recent polls are showing something that may even be worse for the country as a whole. The reaction to the shooting and the police response in Ferguson are vastly different when viewed from a White perspective than from a Black perspective.

Why is that important? Because it shows that this country still has some very serious racial problems, and those problems are not being sufficiently addressed. Blacks understand this because they have to live with it in their daily lives -- both in the society at large and in their dealings with the police departments across this country. Whites don't have to live with this continuing racism, and that makes it far too easy to ignore it (and fool themselves into thinking the problem doesn't exist).

And many of them do just that -- ignore it. And since there are far more Whites than Blacks in this country, and in most of the country's communities, that White indifference means the problem is not being addressed. Blacks and Whites are still treated differently by many police departments, but those police are just representative of the people as a whole in this country. The problem still exists in the workplace, in schools, in government, in the courts, and in society in general.

Not all police are racist, but some are -- and not all Americans are racist, but too many are. Police departments, like all other societal entities, just reflect the views of their community -- and too often those views are racist.

It is time for decent people across this country, especially Whites, to stand up and say "Enough". We are falling far short of the constitutional guarantee of equal rights for everyone under the law, and of the common decency of knowing that every life is equally precious (regardless of race, ethnicity, age, sex, or sexual preference) -- and we must act to correct this.

The charts below starkly illustrate this problem with race in the United States. They were made from a Pew Research Center survey (done between August 14th and 17th of a random national sample of 1,000 adults, with a margin of error of 3.6 points) and a YouGov Poll (done between August 14th and 17th of a random national sample of 1,000 adults, with a margin of error of about 4 points).


  1. The answer to the questions posed in your 'trick pic' above is, yes, a policeman's life is worth more than a robber's. The former, at the risk of his own life, protects us, the latter uses his bullying strength to rob us.

    And it has nothing to do with which one is white black or polka dot!

  2. You're playing a very dangerous and bigoted game when you place one life as more important than another -- a game that leads down the road to things like the holocaust. After spending most of my working life in law enforcement, I can honestly say that I have met some "robbers" I would trust with my life, and some law enforcement professionals that I wouldn't.

  3. Fine, but if you see a policeman and a robber fighting who would you shoot?

    And please don't talk to me about being 'bigoted' given the massive public surge in it whipped up by all sorts of rascals who couldn't give a stuff for blacks and their predicament but who do detest all the best that your country stands for.

  4. I wouldn't shoot either one. Why do you assume someone has to be shot? And there are many of us who love our country, but still care deeply for the Black "predicament". Wanting equality for all citizens demonstrates a love for America and its Constitution.

  5. Also Dave you are dead wrong...The police DO NOT protect us from anyone.
    There is absolutely no way that they can. They can only track down criminals AFTER the crime.
    And when a cop faces another person even if running away it is not their job to judge them a violent criminal to be shot in the back 10times. Guess who the violent criminal is then??

  6. So, Ted, you are *assuming* that the policeman in this case would not have fired had his adversary been white! Remarkable! As a former law officer I would have thought that jumping to conclusions was against your training. Amazing how you Lefties can look into our minds and see our raaaaaaaacism!

    LL, you really must engage the brain before charging off! How many incidents have occurred in which a shooter goes on the rampage and is eventually shot down by the police? Also, of course, if you take the time to think about it, every time they capture and convict AND JAIL an offender they protect us by taking the perp off the streets. Perhaps, if the police are so useless in your eyes you would prefer to disband them. Yeeeeeeeees, well, good luck with that one!

    1. I don't have to look into your mind. Your words and actions will suffice nicely.

    2. You just proved my point Dave, when the shooter went on a rampage than...well tell all the people that are dead how well the cops did on protecting them. And there are many perps that are later RELEASED and are allowed to harm again, THAN the cops catch him again AFTER he has done harm. The police are NOT there to protect ME or YOU but to protect society as a whole and the status quo.

    3. And as a further thought ....
      YES if the cop saw a white guy running from an incident especially involving blacks, they would most likely not have shot.


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