Thursday, May 14, 2015

Senate Democrats Fold Like A Cheap Napkin

Yesterday I posted about the Senate Democrats banding together to defeat a cloture motion that would have brought the "fast track" version of the TPP to the Senate floor. I thought those Democrats had acted to protect American workers and consumers, and to keep corporations from giving enormous new powers to mega-corporations (enough power to overrule government laws and actions). I was wrong.

Just one day later, probably with pressure from the White House,  enough Democrats have backed down to allow a vote on the TPP. In an effort to save some face, they claim the Republicans have promised to allow a vote on four other bills that had been delayed by the GOP. Sadly though none of those bills are as important, or will have as big an effect on this country, as the TPP bill (which Congress cannot amend).

Even sadder is the fact that only two of those four bills will be voted on before the vote to bring the TPP bill to the Senate floor -- the two that are non-controversial, and were blocked just to irritate Democrats. After getting what they wanted (a vote on the TPP bill) the Republicans can easily kill the other two bills (both of which need 60 votes to pass.

The Senate Democrats didn't just fold, they got conned by Mitch McConnell and the Republicans. I am both ashamed and disgusted by the Senate Democrats.

(The image above is from Democracy in Action.)


  1. Maybe it time to bit the bullet and vote GREEN. Or maybe for Bernie as his being socialist may just piss off everyone else.

  2. fuck them. bastids..what the hell is wrong with Obama?

  3. The Dems didn't get conned - we did! They were going to approve this all along but they had to make a show of opposition to cover their you-know-whats...


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