Saturday, November 21, 2015

Democratic Race In New Hampshire Is A Toss-Up

A few months ago, it looked like New Hampshire was going to be an easy win for Bernie Sanders. He had a fairly large lead over Hillary Clinton in that state. But we have had two Democratic debates since then, and that seems to have changed things radically. Sanders lead has disappeared.

In the latest poll of New Hampshire voters (those who are likely to vote in the New Hampshire Democratic primary), the two candidates (Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders) are even. Clinton leads by 2 points among Democrats, but when those leaning to the Democrats are included, Sanders leads by 1 point. Both of those are well within the poll's margin of error, so the best that can be said is that either candidate could win if the primary was held today.

Sanders does well with men and those under age 45, while Clinton does well with women and those 45 and over. That could give a slight advantage to Clinton, since women usually go to the polls in larger numbers than men, and older voters vote in larger numbers than younger voters. But that is just my view. The truth is that this race in New Hampshire is too close to call.

The chart above represents the results of a new Fox News Poll -- done between November 15th and 17th of a random sample of 804 registered voters in New Hampshire. The margin of error for Democratic voters is 5.5 points.

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