Monday, August 17, 2020

The Biden/Harris Campaign Is On Track For A Big Win

With only about two and a half months until Election Day, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are enjoying a big lead. That lead is not new, but has been maintained for several months now.

That's because Biden has been rolling out plans on how he will deal with the serious problems facing America, while Trump just worries about how he can cheat to win.

Here is just part of what Jennifer Rubin says about the situation in The Washington Post:

The Biden general election campaign so far seems to be remarkably competent and disciplined. Biden’s team prevented any leaks about the identity of Biden’s pick for vice president. They scripted the rollout speeches for Biden and Sen. Kamala D. Harris (D-Calif.), which came off without technical or other glitches. They have put Biden out there over the last month or so to deliver a series of meaty policy speeches all focused on the economy and recovery from the coronavirus — with special emphasis on addressing disparities that have disadvantaged Blacks, Hispanics and other communities. His proposals are bold enough to satisfy the left, but none of it sounds like he is upending capitalism.

Certainly, Biden — but more often his staff — condemns Trump’s egregious racism, misogyny and xenophobia. However, unlike Hillary Clinton’s campaign, the Biden campaign is not designed to show what an awful human Trump is. That’s a given. What they want to say rather is simple: He failed. You’re hurting. We’re the grown-ups to clean up the mess.

That, in some sense is what every challenger runs on when confronting an incumbent seeking his second term, but Biden and Harris have three huge assets to amplify their message.

First, every time Trump opens his mouth, he confirms that he is an incompetent narcissist who has no idea about the concerns of ordinary Americans. He wants to reopen states really, really fast and force in-person schooling. The public is concerned we are opening too fast, and is frightened to send their kids back to classrooms with the virus still raging. Trump says testing is fine; we know it is not, as Americans are forced to wait a week or more for results. Trump says the anarchists are taking over cities. Americans do not see it. Mostly, the cities look forlorn, littered with empty shop fronts. Trump makes Biden’s argument better than any opponent could: He is entirely clueless and incapable of handling the crises he is largely responsible for creating.

Second, the right track/wrong track numbers have blown up in Trump’s face. According to the RealClearPolitics average, 70 percent of the country thinks we are on the wrong track. Americans know they are out of work. They know their lives have been disrupted. They know their kids are losing months and months of education. They don’t even get college football. Trump even managed to screw up the post office. No matter how many times Trump says he regrets nothing and nothing is his fault, it does not work that way. He is president. He is in charge. The results are awful.

Third, both Biden and Harris have deprived Trump of the “socialist” target Republicans yearned to confront. Yes, the Democrats have a robust and progressive agenda, but they are not outlawing private health-care insurance. They are not condemning capitalism. The charge that they are crazy leftists simply falls flat. . . .

It is not impossible for the race to tighten. It would certainly help Republicans if they kept Trump tied up in that underground bunker, out of sight and out of the news. However, barring an unforeseen disaster, the Biden-Harris team looks on track to claim a commanding victory.

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