Sunday, August 29, 2021

Attack Didn't Change Public Opinion About Withdrawal


Poll after poll has shown that a significant majority of Americans believed it was right for the United States to withdraw all its troops from Afghanistan. Then came the attacks in Kabul that killed 13 U.S. troops (and over a hundred Afghans wanting to leave). Did the attack change the public's opinion about withdrawal?

No! Registered voters (47% to 38%), Democrats (69% to 16%), and Independents (47% to 33%) still agree the withdrawal of our troops is the right thing to do. Only Republicans (17% to 72%) disagree.

I suspect the Republicans disagree just because a Democratic president is the one actually overseeing the withdrawal. They didn't seem to mind when Trump negotiated the withdrawal with the Taliban (or when he released over 5,000 Taliban prisoners).

The chart above is from the YouGov Poll -- done on August 26th of a national sample of 1,200 registered voters, and has a 3.8 point margin of error.

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