Tuesday, March 22, 2022

WWIII Has Started (Though Most Don't Want To Admit It)


In the 1930's, nations tried to appease Hitler by allowing him to annex the Sudentenland. They mistakenly thought this would satisfy Hitler and prevent war. They were wrong. He went on to invade Poland and many other countries.

History is now repeating itself. The U.S. and NATO did nothing as Putin seized Crimea. They thought that allowing him to do that would prevent a wider war. They were wrong. He has now invaded Ukraine, and there is no reason to believe he will stop there. He wants to restore the old Soviet empire, and if allowed to do that, will go even further.

Still leaders of the U.S. and NATO refuse to believe what is actually happening. The truth is that World War III has already started. This is not just a war between two countries -- Ukraine and Russia. At least 30 other countries are already involved (the members of NATO). They are sending supplies and weapons to Ukraine. That makes them involved, even though they are too cowardly to actually fight.

The West is acting like it is afraid of Putin. Many think if they become involved in the war with troops, Putin will respond with nuclear power. I doubt that though. Even if Putin was crazy enough to do that, his generals are likely to stop him (even if they had to depose him). They know that Russia would be devastated in a nuclear war. 

Besides, if Putin is likely to use nukes now, wouldn't he do the same after invading a NATO country? He is likely to do that if he gets away with bullying the West now with his nuclear threats. Why shouldn't he believe the West will continue to back down as long as he makes nuclear threats? The refusal to intervene in Ukraine just makes Putin bolder.

Until the West acts to stop Putin, the war will grow and soon grow beyond Ukrainian borders. Putin is already threatening to attack convoys sending military help to Ukraine. Is the West going to let him get away with that?

World War III has started. The U.S. and NATO has the military power to end it now -- before it becomes a worldwide conflict. They should do it! Cowering in fear every time Putin threatens to use his nukes is the road to disaster, and a much wider war.

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