Thursday, January 25, 2024

Haley Loses By Double-Digits In N.H. But Vows To Continue

In the race for the Republican presidential nomination, two Staes have now made their wishes known. Trump won the Iowa caucuses (with DeSanis and Haley finishing a distant second and third). After DeSantis dropped out of the race, Haley hoped to do much better in New Hampshire - by staying within single digits of Trump if not winning.

It did not happen. Haley finished slightly over 11 points behind Trump. Making matters even worse, half of her vote in the state came from Independents. She finished 50 points behind Trump among registered Republicans. This makes it almost impossible for her to actually win the GOP nomination.

However she has vowed to continue her campaign. The next GOP primary will be in her home state of South Carolina on February 24th. She is very likely to lose there, but will not drop out before the vote.

Haley staying in the primary (for at least the next month) is a good thing - at least for Democrats. Here's why:

* Haley again addressed Trump's mental problems on Tuesday night, and it is likely that she will continue to do that. Many of Trump's recent speeches have contained confusing statements, causing some to suspect his mental faculties are starting to deteriorate. It's not so easy for voters to overlook that with a Republican like Haley making the claim.

* Trump has a huge ego, and cannot stand to be opposed -- especially by a woman. He is sure to attack her personally many times, and that will just demonstrate his misogyny - reminding Independent women why they don't want to vote for him.

* Trump continuing to spend time and money fighting against Haley means less time and money for the fight against President Biden.

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