Thursday, August 29, 2024

Trump Would Add More To The National Debt Than Harris

Republicans love to whine about the national debt when a Democrat is in office.

But they don't seem to care about it when a Republican is in office. They helped Trump pass a massive tax cut bill (most of which benefitted the rich and super-rich), ignoring the fact that it added over 3 trillion dollars to the national debt.

Now their chosen presidential candidate (Donald Trump) has an agenda that will add trillions more to the national debt, and they aren't talking about that at all. Trump wants to extend those tax cuts for the rich (which would add another 3.4 trillion dollars to the national debt) and has other proposals that would add hundreds of billions on top of that.

Kamala Harris has some proposals that would add to the debt, but she also has a proposal that would raise the tax on corporations and mitigate that.

Note the chart above (from, that shows Trump would add far more to the national debt that Harris would.

Don't let a Republican tell you the GOP is the party of fiscal responsibility. The opposite is true!

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