Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Dodgeball Begins

Right on schedule, the presidential candidates have struck up the band and started the say-nothing dance. Examples are legion but today I'll address Giuliani's comments on medicinal marijuana.

"You can accomplish everything you want to accomplish with things other than marijuana, probably better. There are pain medications much superior to marijuana..."

Now, obviously the biggest problem with this statement is that it is a lie. Pain relief through cannabis appears to be comparable to morphine, with incomparably fewer side-effects, and incomparably less risk of addiction.

I'd rather talk a bit about how noncommital Giuli's statement is. See, it was in New Hampshire that he said this, and those guys are kinda prickly about their freedom, i.e. being left alone to do what they want if they're not hurting anyone.

If you believe, as Giuli seems to, that pot should be illegal, good on you. I might ask you why tobacco is not only legal, but why the government so generously thanks the tobacco growers for providing it. But in general I respect that you have an opinion. Shouldn't you (Giuli) own up to your own opinion, though? Tell the New Hampshire voters that smoking marijuana is immoral/unhealthy/icky/emboldens the terrorists, or whatever you think it is.

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