Wednesday, July 03, 2024

America's Continuing Shame


Most Say Americans Are Less Patriotic Than A Few Years Ago

The chart above is from the Marist Poll -- done between June 10th and 12th of a nationwide sample of 1,311 adults, with a 3.6 point margin of error.

Thomas Crowns His King

 Political Cartoon is by Clay Jones at

U.S. Presidents (Ranked By Popularity Of Current Public)



Political Cartoon is by Adam Zyglis in The Buffalo News.

Biden May Nor Be Popular But His Policies Are

The following is part of an op-ed by Catherine Rampell in The Washington Post

President Biden’s policy agenda is incredibly popular, much more popular than his opponent’s. But Biden the man? Not so much. . . .

Democrats have long argued that their policies are more popular than those of Republicans. In a recent blind test conducted by YouGov, that was unmistakably true. The polling organization asked Americans what they thought about major policies proposed by Biden and Donald Trump without specifying who proposed them. The idea was to see how the public perceived ideas when stripped of tribal associations.

Biden’s agenda was the winner, hands down.

Of the 28 Biden proposals YouGov asked about, 27 were supported by more people than opposed them. Impressively, 24 received support from more than 50 percent of respondents.

The most popular Biden policy proposal is requiring criminal and mental background checks for all gun purchases. This idea was favored by 82 percent of respondents — including 70 percent of voters who self-identified as Trump supporters. Biden’s least popular idea — the only one of the 28 that was underwater — was a pledge of 10 years of U.S. military support for Ukraine in its war against Russia. (Only 30 percent liked this.)

Trump’s policies, on the other hand, fare much worse. Of 28 major proposals YouGov asked about, only nine received at least plurality support (more people supported than opposed them). Even more damning, just six were favored by a majority of respondents.

Trump’s most popular idea was phasing out imports of essential goods from China over the next four years, at 59 percent approval. The least popular was to give presidents control over independent regulatory agencies, such as the Federal Communications Commission and Federal Trade Commission. Only 19 percent supported the proposal, including just 27 percent of self-identified Trump supporters.

The contrast between the favorability of the rivals’ agendas is particularly striking when put side by side. Some of Trump’s mostpopular policies are about as well-liked as Biden’s least popular ones.

Not A Trick Question

Political Cartoon is by Mike Stanfill at

The Immunity Decision Poses A Serious Risk To Democracy


Tuesday, July 02, 2024

The Raw Truth From Senator Fetterman


Court Decision Gives A Trump Presidency Dictatorial Power

The Supreme Court has rendered a very flawed decision on presidential immunity. This nation has always believed that every citizen is subject to the rule of law, and no citizen is above the law - not even the president. That is no longer true.

The Court has ruled that a president has immunity when performing his official duties - even if he breaks the law in performing those duties. And they went further in declaring that any communication the president has with his vice-president or with the Justice Department includes presidential immunity (even if those discussions involve plans to break the law).

This is especially troubling when it comes to communication with the Justice Department.

Donald Trump has repeatedly promised his supporters that if elected for a second term, he would use the Justice Department to exact revenge on his perceived enemies - and there is no reason to believe he wouldn't follow through on that promise.

In his first term, Donald Trump made the mistake of choosing Attorney Generals who had a modicum of belief in the U.S. Constitution. They refused his more nefarious requests.

He won't make that mistake again. You can be sure that any new Trump-appointed Attorney General would be a sycophant - a person who would follow ALL Trump orders (even if they violated the Constitution).

That would let Trump use the Justice Department to punish anyone he didn't like - political opponents, print and broadcast media, individual journalists, or anyone else he didn't like.

Using the law to punish opponents is the most powerful tool of dictators. They use that to increase and sustain their power. Now it is legal for a U.S. president to wield that same kind of power. It's a giant step down the road to an authoritarian presidency.

This makes it even more important to make sure Trump is not elected this November. We must keep him out of the White House - at least until a more reasonable and ethical Supreme Court is a reality, and can overturn this very bad decision.


 Political Cartoon is by Joe Heller at

We've Made Bad Choices For President - But Corrected Them

For those of you fearing the outcome of this presidential election, Robert Reich offers a ray of hope:

I want to try to reassure you about this country. 

I know that you’re worried and upset. You have every reason to be. Donald Trump is a vile human being, and he got away with a tsunami of lies Thursday night. Joe Biden didn’t come across with the vitality he needed to show. 

I have no idea whether Biden will get his mojo back or the Democrats will find someone else to take on Trump. But I have an abiding faith in the common sense and good-heartedness of most Americans. 

Although we’re horribly divided right now, the fact is, again and again, we’ve rejected vicious haters and demagogues — Father Coughlin, Joe McCarthy, and George Wallace, to name a few. 

We’ve made a few bad mistakes in our choices of president, to be sure, but we’ve corrected them as soon as we could. We elected James Buchanan in 1856, but he was out in four years. We allowed Andrew Johnson to become president following Lincoln’s assassination, but we impeached him. We elected Richard Nixon in 1968 but sent him packing in 1974. We elected Trump in 2016 (although more Americans voted for Hillary Clinton), and we didn’t reelect him in 2020. 

There have been times when I doubted America. I think the worst was 1968, with the assassinations of Martin Luther King Jr. and then Bobby Kennedy, the riots and fires that consumed our cities, the horrific Democratic convention in Chicago along with protests and violent police response, the election of the dreadful Nixon, and the escalating carnage of Vietnam. 

It seemed to me then that we had utterly lost our moral compass and purpose. 

But the Watergate hearings demonstrated to me that we had not lost it. Democrats and Republicans worked together to discover what Nixon had done. I had much the same feeling about the brilliant work done by the House’s special committee to investigate January 6, 2021. 

Washington, D.C., is not the Gomorrah portrayed in the media, and I think it important not to become so consumed with its failings or its Republican crazies that we overlook the many good things happening there, particularly under Biden — the most aggressive use of antitrust and most pro-union labor board I remember, and Biden’s extraordinary legislative accomplishments. 

When I think about what’s good about America, I also think about the jurors and prosecutors and the judge in Trump’s recent trial in Manhattan, who took extraordinary abuse. Their lives and the lives of their families were threatened. But they didn’t flinch. They did their duty. 

I think about our armed services men and women. I think about our firefighters and police officers. I think about our teachers and social workers, and our nurses who acted with such courage and dedication during the pandemic. I think about all the other people who are putting in countless hours in our cities and towns and states to make our lives better. 

And all the people who are working their hearts out right now to make sure Donald Trump stays out of the White House. (I assure you, I’m doing the same, and I hope you are as well.) 

A few nights ago, I had dinner with an old friend whom I haven’t seen in many years. He’s now a United States senator. He works extraordinarily hard. He cares deeply about the country. He shares many of our values. 

He told me that he seriously doubts Americans will elect Donald Trump. 

I agree with him. We are so much better than Trump. 

Not Obstruction?

 Political Cartoon is by Clay Jones at

Dissenting Opinions On Presidential Immunity Decision


Monday, July 01, 2024

The Abortion Debate Has Gotten Worse For Republicans


Those Wanting Biden To Drop Out Are Making A Big Mistake


President Biden did not meet Democratic hopes in the debate last week. That has some calling for him to drop out of the race. That would be a mistake that would cost Democrats the 2024 election - and it could even reverberate down ballot and cost them the House and Senate.

It would open the nomination for a fight among Democratic delegates as to who would replace him on the ticket just four months before the election. It would give the voting public the impression that the Democratic Party is in a state of chaos. 

It could also divide the party at the very time they need to be coming together to keep Trump out of the White House. This is not the time to create hard feelings among the candidates that don't win and their supporters.

Most of the timid Democrats are also making a second mistake. They are listing a bunch of governors and senators as possible replacements, and totally ignoring the second-in-command of the most powerful democracy on the planet - Vice President Kamala Harris.

Not choosing VP Harris quickly would be a slap in the face to Black voters. She is competent, personable, and a very good campaigner - and they know it. Choose a different candidate, and the chances are very good that many Black voters will stay home on Election Day.

Democrats won in 2020 because Blacks overwhelmingly voted for them. And if they are to win in 2024, they need the same kind of turnout from Black voters. If even a small percentage of them sit out the election, Democrats will lose the White House and many down ballot races.

President Biden is the person voters chose to be the Democratic nominee. Changing that at this point (and without the choice of voters) would be a huge mistake - and it would very likely result in a Trump White House and a GOP House and Senate.

Winning The Debate?

Political Cartoon is by Clay Jones at

Trump's Newest Tariff Plan Would Be Disastrous For Economy