Saturday, January 02, 2010

Judging Obama

Political Cartoon is by Tim Eagan at

1 comment:

  1. LOL! What especially is hilarious is the lefty saying "you didn't do anything you said you'd do!". Said lefty obviously never read Obama's campaign web site, which pretty much laid out everything he's done so far. For example, the health plan currently coming out of Congress? I pointed out in early 2008 that Obama's health plan was basically a conservative one for socializing the risk at the expense of taxpayers while guaranteeing insurer profits. The plan coming out of Congress is actually more *liberal* than the plan Obama proposed in early 2008, despite its many, many flaws. Yet the liberals are blasting Obama for this. WTF, couldn't they read his web site in early 2008 and figure out that he wasn't going to be for single-payer at any time?! It is to laugh!

    - Badtux the Literate Penguin


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