Sunday, January 03, 2010

Taking "Stupid Criminal" To A New Level

On New Year's Day in Murfreesboro (Tennessee), a car pulls up to a gas pump in a service station. An hour later, that car is still sitting by the gas pump and the station employee calls the police. It's a good thing that he did.

When the police arrive they find the driver, 31 year-old Nathan Beasley, passed out behind the steering wheel -- drunk as a skunk. In the back seat of the car, police found a meth lab. And that lab was active. It had a chemical process going on to further the production of methamphetamine.

Since some meth lab ingredients and processes can be explosive, the fire department was called. They shut off the gas pumps before moving the car and dismantling the meth lab. This drunk fool, by pulling up next to a gasoline pump with an active meth lab, could have caused a serious explosion that would have killed him and anyone else in the area.

Beasley has been charged with Driving Under The Influence, Driving With A Suspended License, Reckless Endangerment and Manufacturing of Methamphetamine. He is in jail with a $15,000 bond.

This nut has taken the term "stupid criminal" to a new level. I hope he gets some substantial jail time -- for the public's safety and his own.

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