Saturday, February 18, 2012

Wall Street Willie Still Losing Ground

I have posted several times in the last few days about Willard Mitt Romney's (aka Wall Street Willie) problems in Michigan -- the state he grew up in. At least five polls are now showing that Rick Santorum has taken the lead in that state. Romney and his super-PAC are starting to spend big in Michigan, hoping to turn things around like they did in Florida-- but they need to act fast, because there are only 10 days left until Michigan votes on February 28th.

And Michigan is not Wall Street Willie's only problem. The latest poll out of Arizona (which also votes on February 28th) shows Santorum is surging in that state also. Only a couple of weeks ago, Romney had a 24 point lead in Arizona. Santorum has now whittled that down to 8 points, and with 10 days left to go, he could also put that state in play (even though Santorum has done very little campaigning in Arizona). Here are the latest Arizona numbers:

Mitt Romney...............39%
Rick Santorum...............31%
Newt Gingrich...............15%
Ron Paul...............7%

It's still possible that Romney could win both Michigan and Arizona, but it would be close in both states -- and it is increasingly likely that he will lose at least one of them. That would mean he would need to do well on Super Tuesday (March 6th) to get his campaign back on track. But there are problems for Wall Street Willie on Super Tuesday also. A few days ago, a Georgia poll was released that showed Newt Gingrich is still leading in that state (his home state). Yesterday, the casino mogul who has already given Gingrich millions of dollars announced he is pumping another $10 million into the Gingrich super-PAC. That should allow Gingrich to keep Georgia in his column.

There is another big state that will vote on Super Tuesday that has a lot of delegates -- Ohio. But a new poll shows Romney doing even worse in Ohio than in the other states I've been discussing. He is now trailing Santorum by 18 points there. Here are the latest Ohio numbers:

Rick Santorum...............42%
Mitt Romney...............24%
Newt Gingrich...............13%
Ron Paul...............10%

And things don't get any better for Wall Street Willie when you consider the national numbers. Just a couple of days ago, the Gallup Daily Tracking Poll showed Romney with a two point lead over Santorum. That has disappeared, and Romney now trails Santorum nationally by 4 points (34% to 30%).

It seems like every day this last week has uncovered more bad news for Wall Street Willie. He'd better turn this around pretty soon, or he may find himself just another also-ran (like Pawlenty, Bachmann, Cain, and Perry).

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