Friday, May 02, 2014


Political Cartoon is by Mike Luckovich in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.


  1. Benghazi, ah yes under the obama administration. 4 dead and the republicans of this country continually taut the tragedy

    U.S. Embassy and Consulate Attacks Under George W. Bush

    January 22, 2002: US consulate at Kolkata, 5 Killed
    June 14, 2002: US Consulate at Karachi, 12 Killed
    February 28, 2003: US Embassy at Islamabad, 2 Killed
    June 30, 2004: US Embassy at Tashkent, 2 Killed
    December 6, 2004: US Compound at Saudi Arabia, 9 Killed
    March 2, 2006: US Consulate in Karachi, 2 Killed
    September 12, 2006: US Embassy at Syria, 4 Killed
    March 18, 2008 US Embassy at Yemen, 2 Killed
    July 9, 2008: US Consulate at Istanbul, 6 Killed
    September 17, 2008 US Embassy at Yemen, 16 Killed

  2. “With all due respect, the fact is we had four dead Americans. Was it because of a protest or was it because of guys out for a walk one night decided to go kill some Americans? What difference at this point does it make?”

    Spoken, or spat out, like a true American patriot! Pass the sick-bag!

    1. It might not have happened if the Republicans hadn't cut $300 million from embassy security money, but you right-wingers never want to talk about that -- or the fact that many more have been killed under GOP administrations.

  3. david, you know nothing about respect. if you did, you wouldn't continually come on teds posts and try to hi-jack them by changing the subject.

    oh and the point is, the republicans, concerning this topic have stayed silent when it comes to the FACT that President George W. Bush had 13 benghazis to the one that President Obama has had. all the while painting benghanzi as the worst loss of embassy lives in history. George's watch was 13 times as bad as Barack's. those are the facts. ignore them if you wish to choose blindness over sight.


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