Sunday, April 14, 2019

Most Are Satisfied With Democratic Field Of Candidates

The chart above is from the latest Economist / YouGov Poll -- done between April 6th and 9th of a sample of 620 Democrats and Independents likely to vote in a Democratic primary.

There are currently 19 candidates who have declared they are running for the presidential nomination of the Democratic Party in 2020. Add Joe Biden (who most are assuming is a candidate) and you have 20 candidates.

That's a lot. Is it enough? Are Democrats (and Independent leaners) satisfied with that field of candidate?

If this poll is to be believed (and I think it is), then the overwhelming majority are satisfied with the field of candidates -- about 3 out of 4 Democrats and Independents. But it's early. It will be interesting to see if that high percentage of satisfaction remains as the field gets smaller -- and after a nominee is finally chosen.

I hope it remains that high. If we are to defeat Donald Trump, we must be unified going into the 2020 general election.

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